First Aid Training
A range of frequently requested first aid training courses are available through an associate, competent first aid training provider offering qualifications which are nationally recognised. Feedback from schools and other organisations has been highly impressive and includes comments such as:
......just to let you know the first aid course was brilliant......previous courses have paled into insignificance after this one......the trainer was enthusiastic and informative......he made the three day course relevant to our school was appropriate for all our needs......gave us confidence to use potentially life saving skills under pressure......
A Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions training course is also provided upon request - please see below for further information.
Additional and bespoke stand-alone modular sessions (not listed below) can also be arranged such as Anaphylaxis & Auto-Injector Administration training courses.
All courses are delivered on your own premises and can be arranged over split or multiple sessions including evenings. The costs of training may typically be up to a half of the cost of other more heavily advertised first aid training providers. Furthermore and of significant interest, those booking these first aid courses through RW Safety Solutions will receive a further 10% off the already discounted costs of training.
Please contact us to discuss booking arrangements or costs of any of these courses.
Half Day (3-Hour) Training Courses (1-12 delegates or 13-24 delegates)
First Aid for School Staff
Training in basic first aid and medical emergency skills for all staff
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
A bespoke training course covering general areas of pupil medical condition management in order to assist schools in complying with the DfE's Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions statutory guidance. The training covers general medical and medicines management, admin, documentation and includes awareness training in anaphylaxis, epilepsy, asthma and diabetes.
One Day (6-Hour) Training Courses (1-12 delegates or 13-24 delegates)
Emergency First Aid at Work
First Aid for Sport & Exercise
Appropriate for PE Staff
One Day (6-Hour + 6-Hour) Blended Learning Training Courses (1-12 delegates or 13-24 delegates)
Paediatric First Aid
This blended learning option consists of a pre-course, self-directed learning module of approximately 6 hours, followed by 1-day (6 hours) of practical skills training and assessment.
Two Day (12-Hour) Training Courses (1-12 delegates or 13-24 delegates)
Paediatric First Aid
To meet Early Years Foundation Stage statutory requirements
First Aid at Work Requalifier
Three Day (18-Hour) Training Courses (1-12 delegates or 13-24 delegates)
First Aid at Work